Fashionable restaurant. In Monfort, high
In most restaurants around the world, food is starring, wine is selected for it. In Italy, with its ubiquitous cult, wines are often the opposite. As its name implies, the…

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sakura chan italian
Driving Route: East Aosta Valley
East Aosta Valley This valley is called central. It coincides with the course of the Dora and is directed first to the northwest, and then to the clean west, following…

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Tometta from La Thuile
A small chocolate factory with the same name Chocolat (Fraz. Entreves, 2 - La Thuile) is easy to find without a navigator - you still feel the sweet aroma at…

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Val di Fassa – for lovers of freeride

The Val di Fassa region is also well-equipped with well-prepared slopes, huge snow parks with curious obstacles, and modern, swift, recently updated lifts. And very soon these places can become famous as the Italian capital of freeriding: in the winter season 2011/12 in Val di Fassa, two new freeride tracks will open for fans of off-piste skiing. So skiers and snowboarders who love freedom and extreme sports, have decent skills and do not want to ride on marked routes crowded with people, will have the opportunity to test themselves on dizzy slopes. Continue reading

Trails and snow parks Trentino

Your acquaintance with the Italian ski resorts should undoubtedly begin with the sunny, perfectly equipped smooth slopes of Trentino. Beginners choose this region for gently sloping convenient green and blue slopes, and experienced athletes will appreciate hundreds of kilometers of routes combined into two giant ski regions of Dolomiti Superski and Dolomiti di Brenta. Continue reading

Freestyle Dolomites: Come, they will teach you!

The news that this winter in the Dolomiti Superski region will be built more than 20 snow parks for most, probably, will not be decisive. Even though many of us even guess that ski jumps made of snow are designed to jump from them and know what a freestyle is, but who would have the idea to do something like that without special skills! Continue reading

The virgin nature of the three forest parks of Trentino
Panevegdio - Pale di San Martino, Adamello Brenta and Stelvio, the three “green lungs” of Trentino, offer a large number of ways and opportunities for exploring alpine flora and fauna.…


Kronplatz: Italian snow, Austrian customs
The Kronplatz resort, belonging to the Italian ski region Dolomiti Superski, can be characterized by three adjectives: cozy, family, modern. You need to come here for at least a week:…


New Year's tours 2015 to Europe
European Christmas and New Year traditions attract many Russians every winter. A trip to Europe is often cheaper than to some exotic country, in addition, the flight there does not…
