Thermal Resorts Lombardy
Baths of Sant Omobono Province of bergamo Terme di sant'omobono Viale alle Fonti 117 24038 Sant'Omobono Terme (BG) Telefono: +39 035.851114 Type of water: sulphate-bicarbonate-calcium. Sulfur waters are especially beneficial…

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sakura chan italian
Metro and electric trains in Naples
In Naples, it is impossible to understand public transport, but in fact - everything is simple. Everywhere you need the metro goes. What is written on the machines is again…

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Tracking is the oldest way to explore nature.
Go to the mountains on foot. Two multi-stage tours will introduce tourists to the Brent Dolomites and eastern Trentino, as well as the wildlife of the Lagorai mountain range and…

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The virgin nature of the three forest parks of Trentino
Panevegdio - Pale di San Martino, Adamello Brenta and Stelvio, the three “green lungs” of Trentino, offer a large number of ways and opportunities for exploring alpine flora and fauna.…


Paradise for two
Include travel together in your personal list of classes for lovers - and life will immediately sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow! DT talks about the most romantic…


Love Stories at Hotel Eden
The walls of the exquisite Roman Hotel Eden, owned by the Dorchester Collection, recall many romantic stories. In 1898, actress Eleanor Duse and writer, poet, and playwright Gabriel d'Annunzio stayed…
