Other Italy
"Ladies and gentlemen! Our plane landed at the airport of Trieste. We are glad to welcome you in Italy," - says a nice male baritone. Out of Moscow habit, we…

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sakura chan italian
Trails and snow parks Trentino
Your acquaintance with the Italian ski resorts should undoubtedly begin with the sunny, perfectly equipped smooth slopes of Trentino. Beginners choose this region for gently sloping convenient green and blue…

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Tracking is the oldest way to explore nature.
Go to the mountains on foot. Two multi-stage tours will introduce tourists to the Brent Dolomites and eastern Trentino, as well as the wildlife of the Lagorai mountain range and…

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Hills of florence

Already in the XIV century, a large number of “rich villas, towers, courtyards and gardens” in the vicinity of Florence made a strong impression on travelers, according to Giovanni Villani, it seemed that the city was twice its actual size. The dome of Brunneleschi rises above the city, connoisseurs of art and wealthy people, noble Florentines and travelers, fans of the Muses and company leaders loved to stay here. Continue reading

Freestyle Dolomites: Come, they will teach you!
The news that this winter in the Dolomiti Superski region will be built more than 20 snow parks for most, probably, will not be decisive. Even though many of us…


The best overseas hotels where President Putin has stayed
Due to constant business visits, Russian President Vladimir Putin regularly stops at various hotels around the world, but it’s not often seen in the press about where the head of…


Car Route: Amalfi Coast
After long trips, trading in spices and expensive fabrics in southern Italy, as well as traveling to the farthest places like Tunisia, Alexandria, Antioch or the metropolis of Constantinople, the…
