Val di Fassa - for lovers of freeride
The Val di Fassa region is also well-equipped with well-prepared slopes, huge snow parks with curious obstacles, and modern, swift, recently updated lifts. And very soon these places can become…

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sakura chan italian
Sardinian goodies
Italian cuisine is the best cuisine in the world, with each province having its own signature dishes, which envy the cuisine of any randomly selected country. In this context, Sardinia…

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Kronplatz: Italian snow, Austrian customs
The Kronplatz resort, belonging to the Italian ski region Dolomiti Superski, can be characterized by three adjectives: cozy, family, modern. You need to come here for at least a week:…

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Central and Northern Italy: Route Overview

I continue the promised publication of motor routes in Europe. Today there will be north and center of Italy (arrival and departure and Venice).

April 30 (Monday) Padua. A small town, the famous Giotto chapel, with which most textbooks begin the story of the Renaissance in painting.


May 1 (Tuesday) Ravenna. One of the centers of the Byzantine Empire, from which stunning mosaics have been preserved.

May 2 (Wednesday). San Marino There are not only cheap fake bags, but also very picturesque medieval castles.

Urbino. One of the classic examples of Renaissance urban development.

May 3 (Thursday) Assisi. First of all, it is famous for the Basilica of St. Francis, with frescoes of the early Renaissance, but it is also interesting in itself as an incredibly picturesque medieval city.

Spoleto. A small provincial town where you can see the ancient Roman ruins, the Lombard church, the Romanesque basilica and the 14th century bridge.

May 4 (Friday) Tempietto del Clitunno. The ancient Roman sanctuary (the language does not turn into a temple, because it is very small), adapted for Christian worship.

Pienza. Another example of renaissance urbanism. You can see how they imagined the “ideal Renaissance city” in the XV century.

Siena Interiors of the Palazzo Pubblico, Siena.

May 5 (Saturday) San Gimignano. A very picturesque medieval city that has preserved many towers.

May 6 (Sunday) Florence

May 7 (Monday) Modena. In addition to the factories of Ferrari and Maseratti, there is also a very beautiful Romanesque cathedral.

Piacenza. A wonderful medieval town with an amazing atmosphere.

May 8 (Tuesday) Certosa di Pavia. The most beautiful monastery complex, considered one of the highest achievements of the Lombard revival.

Brescia. A small town with Roman ruins, a Romanesque church, a medieval cathedral and a Renaissance square. The city historical museum is very interesting.

Bergamo A very picturesque Renaissance town, which at one time led to the incredible admiration of Stendhal. The main attraction is the Romanesque basilica with baroque interiors.

May 9 (Wednesday) Verona

May 10 (Thursday) Vicenza. He bears the proud name of the “city of Palladio” (a famous Renaissance architect), because several villas of his work are located in it at once. Included in the list of UNESCO. Honestly, I didn’t make much impression.

Top 10 Mountain Huts and Cabins in Europe: Travel Tips
Tourists shared their favorite places to stay. Among them: "Volcano Hut" in Iceland, mountain shelters and hotels, erected among the rocks. Volcano Huts, Iceland The 30 km Fimmvörðuháls trail takes…


Sicilia Outlet Village: a paradise for shopaholics and lovers of enogastronomy
For fashion purchases in Italy, it is now optional to call in Milan; items from the latest fashion collections can also be found in Sicily. In the heart of the…


Fashionable restaurant. In Monfort, high
In most restaurants around the world, food is starring, wine is selected for it. In Italy, with its ubiquitous cult, wines are often the opposite. As its name implies, the…
