Fashionable restaurant. In Monfort, high
In most restaurants around the world, food is starring, wine is selected for it. In Italy, with its ubiquitous cult, wines are often the opposite.
As its name implies, the tiny village of Monforte d’Alba is located near the city of Alba, in the heart of Piedmont. He enters the gastronomic routes through these hospitable places, because it is located on the southern edge of the Barolo wine-growing zone. Continue reading
Metro and electric trains in Naples
In Naples, it is impossible to understand public transport, but in fact – everything is simple.
Everywhere you need the metro goes. What is written on the machines is again impossible to understand. Cass is almost gone. But everything is simple. You throw 1 € into the machine and get a ticket for 1 trip. In general, stock up on euro coins! Continue reading