Fashionable restaurant. In Monfort, high
In most restaurants around the world, food is starring, wine is selected for it. In Italy, with its ubiquitous cult, wines are often the opposite. As its name implies, the…

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sakura chan italian
Love Stories at Hotel Eden
The walls of the exquisite Roman Hotel Eden, owned by the Dorchester Collection, recall many romantic stories. In 1898, actress Eleanor Duse and writer, poet, and playwright Gabriel d'Annunzio stayed…

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Metro and electric trains in Naples
In Naples, it is impossible to understand public transport, but in fact - everything is simple. Everywhere you need the metro goes. What is written on the machines is again…

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Driving Route: East Aosta Valley

East Aosta Valley
This valley is called central. It coincides with the course of the Dora and is directed first to the northwest, and then to the clean west, following the river from Pont Saint-Martan to Aosta along with the river. The central valley, as well as the side valleys (Valturnfnsch, Gressoney, Alias ​​and Champorsche) form a separate territorial entity, with their own climatic and landscape features. Continue reading

Other Italy
"Ladies and gentlemen! Our plane landed at the airport of Trieste. We are glad to welcome you in Italy," - says a nice male baritone. Out of Moscow habit, we…


Car Route: Amalfi Coast
After long trips, trading in spices and expensive fabrics in southern Italy, as well as traveling to the farthest places like Tunisia, Alexandria, Antioch or the metropolis of Constantinople, the…


New Year's tours 2015 to Europe
European Christmas and New Year traditions attract many Russians every winter. A trip to Europe is often cheaper than to some exotic country, in addition, the flight there does not…
