Val di Fassa - for lovers of freeride
The Val di Fassa region is also well-equipped with well-prepared slopes, huge snow parks with curious obstacles, and modern, swift, recently updated lifts. And very soon these places can become…

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sakura chan italian
Sardinian goodies
Italian cuisine is the best cuisine in the world, with each province having its own signature dishes, which envy the cuisine of any randomly selected country. In this context, Sardinia…

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Trails and snow parks Trentino
Your acquaintance with the Italian ski resorts should undoubtedly begin with the sunny, perfectly equipped smooth slopes of Trentino. Beginners choose this region for gently sloping convenient green and blue…

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Car Route: Amalfi Coast

After long trips, trading in spices and expensive fabrics in southern Italy, as well as traveling to the farthest places like Tunisia, Alexandria, Antioch or the metropolis of Constantinople, the sailors of the powerful Amalfi Republic returned home to their usual activities.

Amalfi Coast
The route for traveling by car with a length of 75.5 kilometers from Salerno to Sant’Agata-sui-du-Golfi (St. Agatha between the two bays). Continue reading

Tomato fantasies. With stale bread in Tuscany
Residents of Italian Tuscany like to tell foreigners with mock humility that their cuisine is “poor” (cucina povera). However, they also know how to turn simple rural food into a…


Venice for children
Despite the fact that Venice has a very romantic image and lovers from all over the world tend to get here, couples with children do not lag behind them. Many…


Love Stories at Hotel Eden
The walls of the exquisite Roman Hotel Eden, owned by the Dorchester Collection, recall many romantic stories. In 1898, actress Eleanor Duse and writer, poet, and playwright Gabriel d'Annunzio stayed…
