Love Stories at Hotel Eden
The walls of the exquisite Roman Hotel Eden, owned by the Dorchester Collection, recall many romantic stories. In 1898, actress Eleanor Duse and writer, poet, and playwright Gabriel d'Annunzio stayed…

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sakura chan italian
Folgaria - for lovers of downhill and cross-country skiing
Introduce your children to the winter magic of Trentino! If you decide to relax with your whole family, then you should go to the southeast of this region, to one…

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Smells and tastes of summer in Trentino
Trentino offers great local produce and excellent restaurants. The taste and healing properties of local wines and traditional products turn the enogastronomy of this region into real wealth, which should…

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Heart of tuscany

This city is called the heart of Tuscany, a museum city, a flourishing city. Actually, its name is Florence, which arose in 59 BC and is translated as “blooming”.

Whatever you are told, familiarity with the city must begin with Signoria Square. Here, next to the Palazzo Vecchio Palace, in the open air you will be greeted by several sculptural works of Michelangelo, including the legendary David. Continue reading

Kronplatz: Italian snow, Austrian customs
The Kronplatz resort, belonging to the Italian ski region Dolomiti Superski, can be characterized by three adjectives: cozy, family, modern. You need to come here for at least a week:…


Sardinian goodies
Italian cuisine is the best cuisine in the world, with each province having its own signature dishes, which envy the cuisine of any randomly selected country. In this context, Sardinia…


Tometta from La Thuile
A small chocolate factory with the same name Chocolat (Fraz. Entreves, 2 - La Thuile) is easy to find without a navigator - you still feel the sweet aroma at…
